Colorado Auto Repair
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Colorado Auto Repair
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Longmont, Littleton, Centennial & Parker
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Vehicle manufacturers don’t make “Check Engine Lights” and other dash warning lights amber and red, blinking or steady and bright for no reason! Generally, check engine lights should be looked at immediately or at least sooner rather than later, especially if there’ is a ‘drivability” issue with the car. “Drivability” refers to the vehicle’s performance being diminished or it’s just running poorly. In those cases, get it in right away. Refer to your owner’s manual for more detailed information. And don’t forget to check out our coupon page for money saving ideas.
At Pride Auto Care, we’ll perform a code check (quick reading) of your Check Engine Light (CEL) for FREE. And if it’s a benign or non-critical light, we’ll reset it for free and get you back on the road. If the light comes back on or a drivability issue develops, bring your car back in for a more thorough diagnostic inspection.
For over 30 years, our veteran ASE-certified Master Techs have been reading and diagnosing check engine lights for virtually every make and model of car and light truck made; and then making the necessary repairs, if needed.
Pride Auto Care has built a solid 30-year reputation on servicing virtually every engine component out there—CEL’s are no exception! We have trained techs using the current scan tools, the latest in diagnostic equipment, current manufacturer’s data, OE (original equipment) specifications, wiring schematics, system diagrams and diagnostic trouble-shooting data available.
Today’s vehicle are essentially computers with wheels. It takes a properly trained technician with the right diagnostics training and ‘diag gear’ to “talk to” (communicate with), properly service and repair today’s extremely technologically advanced cars and trucks.
Oftentimes, the CEL is easy to fix. Other times they can indicate something more serious. But for all the money we have invested in our cars today, NOT having a CEL checked could mean serious problems now or later.
In 1996, an orange light on your car’s dashboard labeled “Check Engine” or “Service Engine Soon” became standard on all car makes and models. This was the first year of OBDII, or Onboard Diagnostics-2nd generation. An illuminated “Check Engine” or “Service Engine Soon” light indicates a problem was detected by your car’s onboard diagnostic system (OBD) and tells you, and the technician, there’s a problem with your car’s engine, powertrain, or other vehicle systems.
*see your owner’s manual for your vehicle’s specifics*
Copyright 2014, Car Care Council
Copyright 2019, Pride Auto Care
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Pride Auto Care - Littleton, 8080 S Broadway Littleton, CO 80122
Pride Auto Care - Parker, 11133 Dransfeldt Rd Parker, CO 80134
Pride Auto Care - Longmont, 1533 Main St Longmont, CO 80501
Pride Auto Care - Denver, 6030 E 23rd Ave Denver, CO 80207
Pride Auto Care - Centennial, 8787 E Dry Creek Rd Centennial, CO 80112